
A module represents an independent functional module or a combination of functional modules. Typical modules include the topology modules, compute modules, force modules and constrain modules, etc.

Structure of a module

The following code demonstrates the typical strcuture of a module, which contains regular variables, input variables and output variables.

template<typename TDataType>
class SummationDensity : public ComputeModule
  DECLARE_CLASS_1(SummationDensity, TDataType)

  typedef typename TDataType::Real Real;
  typedef typename TDataType::Coord Coord;

  ~SummationDensity() override {};

  void compute() override;

  void calculateScalingFactor();

  void compute(DeviceArray<Real>& rho);

  void compute(
    DeviceArray<Real>& rho,
    DeviceArray<Coord>& pos,
    NeighborList<int>& neighbors,
    Real smoothingLength,
    Real mass);

  ///Define intrinsic fields
  DEF_EMPTY_VAR(RestDensity, Real, "Rest Density");
  DEF_EMPTY_VAR(Mass, Real, "Particle mass, note that this module only support a constant mass for all particles.");
  DEF_EMPTY_VAR(SmoothingLength, Real, "Indicating the smoothing length");
  DEF_EMPTY_VAR(SamplingDistance, Real, "Indicating the initial sampling distance");

  ///Define input fields
    * @brief Particle positions
  DEF_EMPTY_IN_ARRAY(Position, Coord, DeviceType::GPU, "Particle position");

    * @brief Neighboring particles
  DEF_EMPTY_IN_NEIGHBOR_LIST(NeighborIndex, int, "Neighboring particles' ids");

  ///Define output fields
    * @brief Particle densities
  DEF_EMPTY_OUT_ARRAY(Density, Real, DeviceType::GPU, "Particle position");

  ///Define other class members

In the Qt-based GUI, the above module appears like


Besides, all regular variables will be shown in the property editor


Intrinsic fields

All intrinsic field names are started with an prefix var, e.g., this->varRestDensity().

If a intrinsic field is defined, it can be used by the module without explicitly initializing its value.

To declare an empty field of real type, use the following formulation

DEF_EMPTY_VAR(RestDensity, Real, "Rest Density");

Input fields

All input field names are started with an prefix in, e.g., this->inPosition().

Input fields of a module are usually empty. Therefore, to execuate a module, its input fields should be explicitly specified.

To set up an input field, the most efficienty way is by connecting an output field to an input field, e.g.,


Output fields

All output field names are started with an prefix out, e.g., this->outPosition().

The values of output fields are computed from input fields. As long as either the intrinsic fields all input fields are changed, the output fields should be updated again.

Last modified November 19, 2020: back Architecture file (2c8915f)