PhysIKA Architecture

An introduction to the details of PhysIKA architecture.

A complete scene in PhysIKA consists of four layers of components. From top to bottom are, scene graph, nodes, modules and fields.

Scene Graph

A simulation in PhysIKA is described as a scene with hierarchical structures. This scene is composed of nodes organized as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).


A node in a scenegraph serves as a single physical material or a combination of certain operations. A node is composed of a set of input/ouput node ports, mechanical status as well as functional modules.


A module represents an independent functional module or a combination of functional modules. Typical modules include the topology modules, compute modules, force modules and constrain modules, etc.


A field is the smallest unit in PhysIKA. If a variable is defined as a field, it can be passed between different modules or between a node and a module. In addition, common types of fields are registered to the GUI, therefore, their values can be edited from the Qt-based GUI.

Last modified September 19, 2020: Add more contents to the Overview (5e57e2b)